Sunday, March 28, 2021

SOLSC21 - Day 28 - Invitation to the Future


Slice of Life Story Challenge 2021 -- Day 28
March 28, 2021
"Invitation to the Future"

Several years ago, I found an invented form of poetry, the Oddquain, on a website called Shadow Poetry. According to that website: "Oddquain is a short, usually unrhymed poem consisting of seventeen syllables distributed 1, 3, 5, 7, 1 in five lines, developed by Glenda L. Hand." I tried writing some poetry in that form, and liked it. Today, I happened upon the oddquain poems that I wrote then, and  suddenly found myself wanting to try it again.

Here is today's effort:

Invitation to the Future



Beckoning to you

Inviting you to walk through.


JudyK :-)  March 28, 2021


  1. I like this form! The tree shape is neat! I love form poetry (well, I love all poetry). The "go" ending really makes it powerful!

  2. Great poem and fun format. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love open doors, just need the courage to go!

  4. The oddquain is interesting! Love that it forms a tree- the tree of life, in this case? Your oddquain is gently hopeful and optimistic, with it's use of the words "invitation" and "beckoning". And then moving to the less gentle command: "Go"! So encouraging =)

    1. Thanks, Cath! I appreciate your visit and your comment!

  5. Thank you! And yes, it is hard to do....That's why I wanted the ending to be forceful, to remind myself that I have to be strong and go forward.


Comments are welcomed, and very much appreciated! :-)